Have you bought, tried on, and found out that the size or cut does not suit you? Do not worry! You have 14 days to return the purchased product.
We will refund your money immediately - no later than 14 days after receiving your return.
In order to make a refund, send the product to the following address:
VARLESCA - returns warehouse
ul. Wejherowska 56a lok. 3,
84-240 Reda,
phone: 881-275-255
along with the completed return form and order confirmation that you received in hard copy with your order.
Oops! Did something go wrong, and you received a product that has a defect? Don’t worry! You have the possibility to make a complaint - contact us immediately but not later than after 24 hours, and we will arrange to pick up the package.
To make a complaint, please send the product back to the address:
VARLESCA - returns warehouse
ul. Wejherowska 56a lok. 3,
phone: 881-275-255
along with the completed claim form and the order confirmation that you received in hard copy with your order.
",="" roboto,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 0.9rem;"="">Whether you are sending a return or a claim, please remember the basic rules:
1. Pack well and secure any returned product; shoes must be returned in the original box.
2. The claimed product should be clean.
3. In the event of a justified complaint, the defective goods will be repaired or replaced with the same, full-quality product, or if this is not possible, we will refund the cost.
4. If your claim is successful, we will refund you the equivalent of the cheapest shipping cost available on our website.
5. The form of refund depends on the payment method.
We do not accept returns sent COD or sent to a parcel machine.